Tuesday, November 29, 2011

No Weights? No Problem!

Many people would like to know how to build muscle without weight lifting. Well, it is possible with some strength training and core muscle exercises. The secret to building muscles without weights is doing large number of repetitions and adhering to correct form and techniques.

Here are some of the exercises that will help you build lean muscle mass.

Push Ups
Find a flat surface and place your palms on the floor with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Now lift your body up so that your weight is supported only by your palms and the toes of your feet. Go up so that your arms are fully extended under you and the legs are straight.

Now go down by bending your arms at the elbows stop a couple of inches from touching the floor. Breathe out as you lift your body up and breathe in as you lower your body. This will help you build your chest and bicep muscles.

Try and do 100 reps, it is understandable that it won't happen in the beginning but push yourself no one said building muscles without weights was gonna be easy.

If you do 20 reps then do 5 sets to complete 100 reps and endeavor to reduce the number of sets you require to reach the 100 reps mark in one set. Another variant of the push up is close grip push ups, where your palms are close to each other and elbows close to your body. This will help build your triceps muscles.

You can also keep your feet on the chair and palms on the ground shoulder width apart to increase the difficulty level.

Pull Ups
This is one of the great exercises to train your back, shoulder and bicep muscles without using weights. Stand under a pull up bar and grip it slightly wider than shoulder width apart and pull yourself up so that your chin goes over the bar. Make sure your palms are facing away from you as you grip the bar. Keep your lower body steady and do not use momentum to lift your body up.

Another way of doing these is to grip the bar with your palms facing your body and hands shoulder width apart. This way you work your bicep muscles more than your back muscles.

The key to building muscles without weights is high number of repetitions, if you are a beginner aim for 10 pull ups and do 5 sets to reach 50 reps. If you can do 50 pull ups try and increase the number to 75 and then to 100 reps.

Remember correct form and technique is more important than the number of reps, also remember to breathe out as you pull yourself up and breathe in as you lower your body.

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